Thanks Jackk, I appreciate your input. An instructor has told me about the R12 flat pattern option. There's a way to do it on R10 and R11...just nobody knows of it.
Again, thank you for your time Jackk.
The cone is straight edged. Front view would be a triangle, top view would look like a circle with the top point in the center. I was told to sketch it, revolve it, then using the sheet metal design workbench to unfold it, however it does not work. In solidworks it is a lofted bend command, then...
I have an ice cream cone object drawn and want a development view a.k.a. flat pattern view on the drawing of the cone. It is not a's wall thickness is approx. 1/32". It seems like I have asked everyone from instructors to catia guru's and still have no answers. Any help will be...