can you tell me what reference of Monitran have you taken?
preampli + sensor? How do you calibrate?
it's a fossil power plant (and no rectifier), so i think power quality is good.
i will not check power quality because it 's a power plant... I think it's not necessary. All the other motors have not the problem.
testech and electricpete
If my PC has a micro, i can try...
I was the first surprised when my collegue said it was a problem of looseness in...
For the first motor, it was decided (not by me...) to change the motor because the reparations are too expensive. It's a global impregnation (5.5 kV) , so hard to repare
For this motor, i think we have another one in another site.
I agree with you, but i have not the final decision.
we have current transformer in the electrical room and i will check rotor bars wtith current method ( gig fan 1.6 MW tl =20 s) .
The noise of the motor3 is growing (a man look every day) and the other motors of the same power are "for the moment" correct.
we don't...
Can you explain what do you do with ozone in 6 kV motors? to search what?
I will search 100 200 and 300 Hz in vib spectrum.
Do you think i must look to the current too (fan with long start time...)?
I can't do a direct inspection...
Do you know a good vib collector? microvibe SKF...
Recently a motor1 1600 kW 1500 tr/min was examined because of a suspect sound : the stator coils were losen.(that's what my collegue said). It was replaced by a new one motor2.
I have to look another 1600kW 1500 tr/min motor3 (exactely the same year of installation than motor1) which...