Wow, now we're getting somewhere. Thank you for your contributions. A question, though.
Would you consider a signal leak through the cable (when shielded as you are describing, or as near as possible) to be negligible or something reasonably noticeable?
I’m just trying to get a feel for...
One USB cable will most likely be the only thing going in and out, serving as data transfer and power.
Are you trying to tell me that this one cable will reduce the shielding capacity 80-90%? Why? That's crazy.
Anyway, I'm just asking about materials/procedure. Since, you really have no clue...
OK, well let me clarify then..
I need to sheild a square plywood box (8 cubic feet) from a WLAN. So, it's a small sized area in comparison to a full sized room.
It seems you are saying that a highly conductive metal will work best.
I need the sheilding for experimental research, so when I use...