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I forgot to say that I'm not developing a comercial balancer. My ideia is to create a home-made balancer and publish the plans on the internet. I already made a 1 plane balancer for motorcycle wheels but the 2 planes (dynamic) necessary to car wheels/tire eludes me.
Thanks for any help.
Dear Greg Locock
Thanks for your explanation but it's still obscure to me. Can you give me a pratical example or point me to documentation specificaly on this subject? I've read about rotor unbalance and vibrations of shaft bearing systems but as I don't have a background on mechanics, I...
I'm looking for information about how to calculate the dynamic unbalance of a wheel/tire. My idea is to develop a DIY balancing machine. I'm a electronics engineer and software developer but don't have any clue about the theory of this kind of measurement.
Thank you all