AASHTO 6.2.2 states that a culvert to be designed on a unyielding foundation requires a special analysis. I have looked through numerous references and contacted several people on this issues with no answer to what is required for this special analysis. Has anyone dealt with this? The thing...
A few more questions:
Since the piles are embedded in a cohesive material, one should consider both the immediate (undrained) and the long-term (drained) conditions. Is there a recommended value to use (without further testing) for the drained soil friction angle based on blow counts or...
The wall was originally designed for active pressure and based on the lateral movement one can say the soil has mobolized and is currently in an active state. The soldier piles idea would not be a new wall, but basically stiffners for the existing wall. The would be placed in front of the...
We have been continually monitoring the wall for over a year now. The wall is only moving very small amounts each month (.02 to .03 feet). The tied back portion and other cantilever portions of the wall are performing satisfactorily. The actual deflection would be hard to calculate since there...
I am dealing with sheet pile problem and would appreciate any advice you may have.
My previous boss (who is now deceased) designed a sheet pile wall system adjacent to a railroad. The system is cantilever PZ-27 sheets for the majority of the wall where the retained height is 15' with a 2:1...