Did anyone read the reports about the Kennedy Space Center in Florida being hit by hurricane Francis?
I found it interesting that they sustained the amount of damage they are...
You stated in your thread:
cos(Theta) = (sin(A)*sin(B)*sin(C))+(cos(A)*cos(B))
However, if A=B and C=90, then no matter what angle is entered, this produces the same answer. The simplified equation you gave works great for walls intersecting at 90. But does the other equation work...
Does anyone know if a dormitory / apartment second floor live load is alload a reduction? According to the IBC 2000, a reduction is allowed. I could of sworn that the UBC 97 allowed a 40 lb/sqft live load for the bedroom areas to be reduced to 30 lb/sqft.
Check out the handy work this guy did. He wrote a book about hip and valleys, but better yet, he has a free download program. Works great. His web site is:
Can you please explain further the variables i,j, & k?
For example a bay window where the walls are on a 45^ angle from each other.
cos(Theta) = ((i1*i2)+(j1*j2)+(k1*k2))
I really liked your simplified formula. I have tried it several times and works very well. But now you have me...
Never mind. I found an awsome site www.Josephfusco.com . Under the "Articles" link, the term "DIHEDRAL" applies to the item I am looking for. Excellent explanation.
Just to clarify:
1. Are you addressing a HIP ridge? I think you are, I just wanted to make sure.
2. I got lost on item 4. "draw a short 1' line parallel with the sloped roof on one side of the ridge". After this line, later you say that eventually I will need to draw a line that...
Does anyone know what combinations of formulas I need to use to figure the angle for a bent plate to cap a hip ridge? Currently I have been using Acad to draw in the roof planes and then do some measuring to get the angle. But I am looking for something a little easier, and of course something...