Thanks very much for your views.
We have opened up the boilers and cleaned the water and fire tube sides. The problem may well be the practice of the gas supplier pumping compressed air into the system to boost the gas pressure during peroids of high demand. This is lowering teh...
basically the boiler is a small cast iron sectional boiler. it is used to heat a building with main/standby. There is not data on teh boiler and the manufacturer is no longer in business (in went to the wall following the argentine currency crash). The with a full rated burner the boiler...
I have a small 110kW boiler. Gratful if anyone can advise if I can fit a larger rated burner to the boiler i.e. 160kW. It is a small cast iron sectional boiler. the system has been designed with a variable flow from 100% to zero. This seems incorrect?