DRC1, PEinc,
Thanks for your time. I ended up staying with the Rankine analysis using the 120 pcf and 20 deg. angle of internal friction. The client ended up going to the culvert precaster for the wingwalls, ultimately to reduce the size of the footings, which were going to interfere with...
Hi All,
I have a small (currently) private water system which consists of two wells which feed a concrete storage tank, which in turn feeds a series of pressurization tanks and the distribution system. The problem is that the water tends to be a bit corrosive (pH 5.6-6.0). I am getting high...
Hi All,
I am looking to design wingwalls for a culvert. The height of retained earth is approx. 17.5 ft. (worst case). The soil is a clayey/silty loam with cobbles. Soil assumptions are an E.F.P of 45 psf (Geotech Report), Soil Weight = 120 pcf, and angle of internal friction = 20 deg. (Std...
Hi All,
Does anyone out there have any information or examples for the design of a counterfort retaining wall? Wall height is approx. 16 ft with 15 ft of retained soil. Toe has approx 8 ft of soil on it. Site has some constraints which won't allow me to raise the base. I've done...
Hi All,
I have a masonry shear wall with several door openings in it. The design methodology I'm following distributes the applied shears to the piers based on their relative rigidity. The height of the piers are taken as the door height (7'-4"). When determining Fa and Fb, should I be using...
Thanks Dave,
I was figuring that would probably be the case, but wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something that was obvious to someone with more experience in masonry design.
Thanks again.
Hi All,
I am relatively new to the design of masonry structures and have a question about the standard detailing of masonry. I have a wall with #4 bars @ 48". Using the working stress method, the steel is overstressed. I can up the bar to a #5, still at 48" and get this to work, but I was...
Hi all,
I'm looking for some guidance in the design / analysis of a steel beam splice. I have a general idea of what I need to provide, but a list of what I need to check would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Hi all,
I'm looking for some guidance in the design of a steel beam splice. I have a general idea of what I need to provide and where to start, but a list of what I need to check / verify would be greatly appreciated. Thanks