Jbartos - Thanks for the Table 9 reference. Just one correction
Ilongcable = Itotal x Zshortcable/(Zlongcable+Zshortcable)
I know that the code states that parallel cables must be equal length, but in reality, this does not always happen. There is usually a small amount of leeway on the...
I would like to be able to assume equal temperatures, so that was part of my question - if I am able to do that even though the shorter conductor will be carrying more current.
Other than length, every other characteristic of the conductors are assumed equal - same conductor type, same conduit...
I am researching the impact of using conductors in parallel that are not the same length.
Assuming everything is equal except length, and conductors are run in separate conduits with other phases (A-B-C-N), can I ignore inductance? These are 60Hz feeder conductors.
To calculate resistance of...