Can anybody help me to answer the below question:
Our contractor has proposed a hydro generator (2000kW, 750rpm, 6kV, pf=0.9) with the short circuit ratio of 0.64
but the original tender document asked for SCR=0.9
The question is:"How is the price impact if we choose generator with SCR=0.64...
Can any one tell me the typical value of Xd of an AC hydro-generator with the following data:
750RPM, 1.7MW, PF=0.9,6.3kV
Generally I want to know the criteria for selection of Xd or in other words teh SCR of the AC generators?
Can somebody find and send me the following paper:
Endrenyi, J., “Fault current analysis for substation grounding design”, Ontario Hydro Research Quarterly, 2nd Quarter, 1967
It is the one of the references mentioned in IEEE80-2000.
Thank for your support. I have to say that jbator and scottf have different Idea.
Let's look at the following data regarding the material's normal potential against hydrogen:
Al : -1.45 volt
Tin : -0.146
Cu : +0.35
If the Aluminum be in contact with Tin, the voltage difference will be 1.304...
I want to select the HV connector for a 145kV current transformer.
The CT terminals are tinned copper. Can I allowed to use Aluminum bolted connector or I shall use a bi-metal plate in contact surface between terminal pad and connector pad?
As far as I know, there is no specific guideline in NEMA CC1-2002 for selecting the number of bolt holes for a terminal connectors. It only introduces the typical configurations in Appendix A.
As it is clear, the number of bolt holes is related to the rated current of connector. Is there any...
I want to do the cabling design in a 230/63kV substation.
Is it necessary to segregate the measuring cables (CT, VT) from control cables along the cable route.
The measuring cables are shielded wire armoured. and the control cables are wire armoured.
Is there explicit rule in this respect?
Dear Hannes
thank you for reply
the reduction factor of 10 can give me a quite sufficient margin to break the loads. as I understood this factor is practical ,so is there any standard describing this relation or is there any evidence in technical literatures or catalogues?
I want to use a Telemechanique D9 contactor for
interruption of DC loads as follows:
1- 24VDC, 0.5A, ( one drain diode is mounted at outgoing terminal)
2- 220VDC, 40mA
Since I do not have information from DC interruption capacity of both main contact and auxiliary contact of such contactor...
According the IEEE80 standard there is only one grounding system in substations and power stations. and all electrical devices as well as computers and electronic devices and metalic parts are to be connected to the same ground system. The reason is very clear, but in some industrial plant such...