Leveling of the theodilites is always important and a standard step when using a theodolite. This will affect precision of the results in this case.
However, being at equal heights, I firmly believe, is of no importance at all in both the 2D and 3D scenarios.
In 2D, you would be shooting the...
It absolutely is overkill.
Especially with today's laser scanning equipment, range finders and all other equipment.
However, if you want to scan a relatively complexe geometry, dont need too dense a point cloud and all you have is a pair of vintage T2s and time on your hands, that's the way to...
Good catch regarding the bar comment.
Yes, I have put some thoughts about the levelness of the bar.
Being that this is being done indoors and that the bar is set on the floor I consider it to be level enough.
With the good help of people at Math Forums I found the solution:
For everyone's benefit, here it the complete solution:
A bit of trig:
(Note: Angles a3 and a4 below are the complementary angles to those shown on the sketch above)
X1 = l1 cos (a1)
Y1 = l1 sin (a1)
X2 = l2 cos (a2)...
Here is a topography problem that is currently stumping me.
The problem statement simple:
Angles a1 to a4 (or slopes m1 to m4, same thing)
Distance L
Distance l
The real life situation is that I have two theodolites at points P0 and P3.
I also have a length of steel bar with...