Thanks again for your help. The Scorpio uses the 440MHz range. The antenna apears to be a wire coming from within the alarm unit much like a power cord on many electronics devices would be. It's about 13-14" long and directions say to have atleast part of wire exposed(out of bike), so I pushed...
As far as antenae improvements, I don't want to cut up the existing antenae and end up worst off. Is it a big deal to cut and splice antennas on these kind of devices or is it just like electrical wire splicing? Should I replace the existing antenna completely or do I just splice new antenna...
I have a Scorpio alarm which has a good range for a 2 way pager alarm, but I need more. I want to cover about 4 residential blocks.
Basically I want to know if my alarm is triggered on my bike or car even if it's parked 4 bloacks away. What will it take to do this?
Also what are the...
I would like to thank you all for your prompt responses!! Way to go!! ;)
I'm being asked what type of stainless steel I need. I told them 303 cause I don't know what I need. Each 26" 3/4 by 3/8 bar should be able to support 160LBS. It will be used near water in New York city. I assume I...
I need 10' of (3/4")/(3/8") square steel bars. I will cut it into 4 28" bars, which will support 75LBs of pressure each. I will drill a 1/2" axle hole at the tip of each bar. The load will be mounted via 4 1/4" holes for some steel bolts.
I have tried for a month to...