I also tried the model you suggested.
>>one joint 10 ft above the other and assign a body constraint to both joints for all 6 dof. Assign restraint on the bottom joint in 6 dof. Assign a lateral load to the top joint of, say 1 kip. Restraint reaction is 10 kip-ft moment as expected<<...
You must be bewildered by now with all the bridge design tips. For an engineer who has never designed a BRIDGE it will be confusing where to start and what to look for and what is the sequence. Because there are some unique parameters such as flood and water-way, scour depth, moving...
Before you go for a design, why don't you check with some government agencies for what moving load they have adopted, which design code they follow... and so on. Or have you already done that? If they don't have such standards then you may follow some appropriate design code, so that you...
You can't draw free lines like in AutoCAD. You can DRAW a line only between the intersections of the gridlines. AutoCAD is a kind of drafting tool, SAP is not.
I totally agree with Flame on his second point and praticularly like the example of buying a car. Although i work for a government agency and as a rule bound to ask for the calculations, but personally it is against my instinct. In case of any suspicion in the design it is very difficult to...
As you know the FEM gives approximate solution. Although i haven't done any rigorous experiments but i think reducing the size of elements obviously should give more accuracy. But on the other hand, more elements means more number of interpolation functions (function that defines stresses...
Shells are difficult elements. So avoid them as far as you can. In bridge moving load analysis you have to apply the loads on the frames (girders). Calculate the eccentricity of the CG of the axle loads with respect to the girder center-line then define lane eccentricity to that girder...
An array is a group (a list or a table) of data such as matrix. In EXCEL you can perform certain matrix calculations with array formula. Just see help for matrix calculations.
Hi Melko,
Probably you already have a solution but i found a general solution for such problems in the website of j-walk, "Excel Developer tip". The formula we use for conditional summing is SUMIF. But for multiple criteria in different fields, the SUMIF function doesn't work. However...
First make yourself familiar with the local cordinates of the shells. In SAP2000 this is little bit tricky. Go to View > Set Elements. Then in your model you will see three red, white and blue arrows along with the global axes. Find Help for "Shell Local Coordinates". Read it...
There may be another way to do it. Just put some dummy element with very high stiffness under the node. The lower node(s) of the dummy element should be restrained in Z direction. Not a perfect solution perhaps. But you will get quite satisfactory results.