The valve is not chattering, the fluctuations happends even if you open and close a manual valve, imagin the following: You have a 1200Psi system running, you open a litle bit a valve which connect that system to the flare, when you do that inmidiatly the flare start flaring as it is supposed to...
Let me try to give an example, When a relief valve is actuated, the system start flaring normally, the problems begin when the valve close, when this happen the flame appear and disapper (ciclical fluctuation) from the tip of the flare. I think the phenomenon is cause by someting like hammer...
We are experience flame oscillation after a release in our flares, any ideas of how to avoid the oscillations?, those oscillation could let air enter to the flare?
We have a normal elevated flare with a molecular seal and purge gas.
Thanks a lot.
Excuse my english
I take the worse case as you mention. The brand of our flare is Callidus, following their indications the amoun of gas that we need for purge is 75SCFH, at this moment we are using 1000SCFH what is more than 10 times the requirement. How could be posible to have a detonation with that...
Have anyone expirience detonation in your flares?
I have been researching about detonation problems but all the information I found mention air entering into the system as a cause of the problem, however the gas that we are flaring is 95% methane so we need a more or less a 95% air vs 5% gas in...