Sorry... This is your typical sump pump pit located in the basement of my house. I collects ground water from under by basement floor. This is a 50 yr old house.
I'm trying to fix the previous owners mistakes. I need to replace the sump basin. The original basin was a metal canister with no bottom. I want to replace it with a larger basin . The new basin (bought at home depot) has no weeping holes in the sides. What i need to know is:
Previous owners wherabouts unkown. I going to investigate replacing the pipe.
Do you believe I will create a bigger problem if i remove a 1 by 1 ft section to see whats below?
The cut in the floor defintely goes around 3/4 of the basement... the other 1/4 is a little hard to see,,,but i'm going to check
The 1/2 pipe does discharge ... i'll guess half gallon/min
during a heavy rain, but thats relative to the amount of rain that I get... I'm not sure if the pipe is...
The floor cut does NOT lead to the sump, which is in the middle of the basement. I can't see any pipes entering the sump below the surface. No build up of sand/silt/clay.
1) Maybe they never completed the sub-floor drain?
2) The water that is pushing up through the floor... could it be under...
My 50 yr old basement has 2 modifications to it in order to prevent water seaping in. 1) a pipe system. 2) What appears to be a cut in the floor about 12 inches from the wall.
The pipe system consists of a 1/2 black or copper pipe around the perimeter of the basement. Every 6 to 8 feet the...