I am working on specifying 34.5 kV indoor metal clad switchgear. I was wondering if any one knows before field personal work on the breaker what is grounded. I know that some metal clad switchgear have grounded metal shutters that seperate the stabs of the circuit breaker from the bus and...
The okinite site you refered to is where the standard got the 250oC maximum SC damage rated temperature. The value of 14 seconds is a very conservative time frame use by past engineers at my utility. I am investigating the possibility of lower this time to a lower but still conservative 10...
Hello I am in charge of sizing and ordering substation batteries and chargers. I have run into a problem while trying to size the power cable between the 60 cell battery bank and the DC distribution cabinet. My company sizes the cable using the following formula.
(I/A)^2*t = .0297 * log...
I am in charge of replacing 60 cell flooded lead acid batteries in several substation. As a company standard we specify a paralling block be added between the battery cells and the DC distribution cabinet. This paralling block is used when hooking up a mobile battery bank when station batteries...
What voltage level was this set of switchgear rated? Also when your company initially built the metalclad switchgear enclosure did they make provisions for additional feeder positions?
yes the 3AF is a vacuum breaker but only has a maximum voltage of 14 kV. Here is the link to the 3AF
Our substation maintenance department has similiar concerns with arc flash. The collateral damage that could occur with a circuit...
I work for a midwest utility company and we are investigating 34.5 kV indoor metal clad air insulated switchgear with continous current rating of 3000 Amps. The switchgear application would be on the low side of our 138-34.5 kV substations. I was wondering if any other forum members have...