Hi all,
I am having a problem with spline creation. It is starting with a face that was originally created by sketch that was tangently connected arcs. I then extruded another face with face normals and taper. When I create my spline by combined projection it fails because of non tangent faces...
Place datum of sketch plane using CSYS Constructor's "X-axis Y-axis Origin mode" with the filter setting "At Angle". This will let you place a circle instead of separate arcs to align orientation.
What is the procedure for using the law curve method for blends. I created a sketch for the law curve but not sure if it must be the exact length of the perimeter being blended. I'm not sure which items UG NX2 is asking to select. Also, what are some examples for using law curves in general as...
Is there a way to create specified number of construction points on an elaborate sketch and be equally spaced automatically? (as in a bolt hole pattern)
Thanks in advance
I like the idea of a sketch as a guide string. Thanks mjcole.
Attn: cowski, a rectangle with filleted corners with 180^ arcs centered on two of the sides. I guess it can be broken down symmetrically, whats your idea?
Thanks in advance
The setting along vector did the trick. But what is the process for using face normals setting. I can't get any simple sketch to work. Creates erroneous lines not in sketch and when the sketch looks correct, I still get error messages. What gives?
Thanks in advance
Sketch is tangent and coincindent on all arc end points but will not project correctly with associate setting on. Only option is to use curve operation join to fix gaps in spline or non associative spline at creation. I'm starting think this can't be done in UG. Any other ideas...
Thanks in...
Trying to create a swept free form guide string by insert projection of a sketch onto sheet surface consisting of two extruded arcs. Creates guide that is failing during swept process (some strng members are not tangent) among others. String created needs to be cleaned up manually, lines are...
Thanks to all for the helpful info but, I have another related question. Whats the easiest way to measure a radius on a edge that has been tapered? I've been using geometric properties under analysis. The value shows up in point constructor dialog fields.
Thanks in advance!
The pick order and direction, the four arc's rotated at 45^ off center and parameter setting for blend gave me a squrae to round. The problem i'm having now is to edge blend the four corners of the square leading toward the round. Only two of the edges are selectable in my case. I created the...
According to "Practical Unigraphics Modeling For Engineers" I quote "Section strings are not required to have corresponding numbers of curve segments, but if they are the resultant surface shape will often be smoother". I already tried breaking the circle into four seperate...
I've used many modelling programs over the years and have just begun to learn UG NX 2. I am having trouble creating a square to round using swept command with one guide string on center of two sketches. I've already tried the zero tolerance thingy, i'm beginning to lose my patience. This...