ok cryotechnic:
Well, the way we inject the LOX in the column, is the same to pumping, we have a high pressure tank of LOX (about 200 psig)(that is the same if you have a high pressure truck). Then, when we need to inject LOX just we transfer LOX from the tank to the column, of course the...
We have experience in start-up an ASU plant daily, and acoording to our plant (produce LOX), the best is pumping LOX in the bottom of the low pressure column.
In the botton of the high pressure column we have a impure LOX, then is better pumping a pure product in the low pressure column, where...
Dear friends:
I would like to know if anyone has some information about de procedure of deriming a Air Separation Unit, I mean which are de aprox. operation conditions (temperatures, pressures , etc).
thanks a lot for your help
Dear friends:
I would like to know if anyone knows anything about the necesary quality that water to produce acetylene should have, to improve the process eficiency.
Alguien conoce acerca de las condiciones de regeneracion de la silica gel, en este caso cuales son las temperaturas maximas que puede soportar, y cuales son las necesarias cuando se trata de retirar hidrocarburos adsorvidos en ella.
En mi caso la Silica es usada para retirar hidrocarburos de una...