I am new to MDT6, and I do a lot of exporting files into IGES format. My problem is that I can't seem to get MDT6 to export the solid model as 3D curves. It always seems to give me some type of surface representation. Any help on this would be appreciated.
I just installed SP6 for SW2001, and now everytime I try and manipulate a solid, the program crashes on me. It appears as though there is a bug in sp6 that just eats up all of my RAM. Just thought that you folks would like the heads up on that.
I need to import a mechanical desktop 5 file into solidworks 2001. I have already tried using the conversion .dll provided with SW, but since I only have MDT 4 and not MDT 5, the system always gets hung up. Does anyone know what I can do to get the data into a solidworks file format.
I am working on updating all of the pro/e 20 drawings in our company's database, and I need to change all of the tolerances. The problem is I can't get the default system tolerances to be displayed with more than the default decimal places. For example, the linear_tol_0_0 is set to 0.03 but it...