Can i do a impact analysis using Ansys.I want to apply a large force acting for small amount of time and next second no force and agin repeating the steps along.Atleast the first step.
Thank you drej
i have tried changing the coponent with elemnts also but theresult is same.Can you suggest me esier way to apply angualr velocity instead of creating the element component.here is the modified log file.
Hello every one
I was trying to apply the angular velocity to a cylinder.but every time i do this when i go to postprocessor to plot the stress i see every thing in red color only.can any one please tell me what was wrong in my concept.the file is
Thanks every one for the reply
The error was max thick/min radius some times and also length /width sometimes.i was trying to run the model even if it is giving the error but after the solution is done when i was trying to see the stress in it it is not showing any thing except the entire model...
Thanks every one for the reply
The error was max thick/min radius some times and also length /width sometimes.i was trying to run the model even if it is giving the error but after the solution is done when i was trying to see the stress in it it is not showing any thing except the entire model...
Hi guys
I was trying to perform stress analysis on a shell 93 element but when i was trying to mesh the model it is giving me the warning message thicknees/radius is .. and also thickness to density is.. is this the problem with aspect ratio or can any one suggest me how to overcome...