I just installed a 15HP 200V/3 phase/60 HZ motor, (FLA 40.6), powered by a 15 HP Yaskawa VSD. The drive trips on overcurrent at about 45 HZ. Thinking I may have a bad motor, I by-passed the drive. The motor ran fully loaded at 60HZ at 30 amps. Thinking maybe the drive was programmed wrong, I...
A building that I monitor is exhibiting a %THD I(N), of 126%. Logic tells me this is not good. Any ideas as the what the %THD should be for the current neutral? Or what may be causing the high reading?
Is it permissible to use an outdoor liquid-filled transformer, inside a building?
Assuming that it meets local fire regulations....would the transformer be subject to temperature issues...
I have a superconducting magnet, cooled with liquid nitrogen and liquid helium. In the event of a quench, the two liquids are released to atmosphere where they immediately vaporize. Where can I find products for the venting to this machine? I'm thinking of some kind of boot to slip over the...