Thank you for your very helpful replies. We are going to try two types of filament to see which holds up the longest - the gold coated tungsten from Goodfellows, and '35N LT' superalloy from the kind folks at Fort Wayne Metals. Unclesyd's experience suggests making sure that the tungsten is...
Hi, I would be very grateful to get your impressions and best guesses in response to the naive questions that follow.
I am creating a research apparatus which has two arms one above the other attached to a vertical axil so that when the axil turns CW and then CCW, a hot vertical filament that...
Hi, I have built many electronic devices for my research but know little about motors and your advice is very much appreciated. The latest project requires a thin wire to be waved back and forth (somewhat like a metronome) through an angle that I wish to vary crudely - the resolution of a 1/8...