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  1. btrueblood

    Tourist submersible visiting the Titanic is missing Part 2

    In the shorter report (55 pages) on the ntsb site, this image is presented: Further images zoom in closer, but the bottom line: a shift in the strain gage vs. load (load=depth which is analogous to external pressure) occurs on a number of the gages recorded (and still functional) across dive...
  2. btrueblood

    Nuclear vs wind+solar+storage American edition

    On the TerraPower website, https://terrapower.com/natrium/ scroll down a bit (you may have to give an email address to view) to the heading "THE ADVANTAGES OF NATRIUM REACTORS OVER TRADITIONAL DESIGNS": Not molten salt, but liquid metal sodium. There are molten salt power reactors in...
  3. btrueblood

    Nuclear vs wind+solar+storage American edition

    Josh, My issue with the term "island" is that it is usually used (in the power biz) to describe a grid that is not interconnected to other grids, i.e. like the Hawaii power grid, or Western Australia versus the rest of Aus, or Texas vs. the rest of the free world, etc. You could maybe coin...
  4. btrueblood

    Nuclear vs wind+solar+storage American edition

    Fair enough. The coal plant being utilized (that I know of, there may be more) is the TerraPower project in Wyoming, it's being built on the site of a coal plant (coal plant was situated near a big coal strip mine, to reduce transportation cost of the fuel). My understanding of some of the...
  5. btrueblood

    Eductor causing Foaming in my tank (system drawing attached)

    Don't use an eductor, use a pump. if you can't for some reason use a pump, you might have success locating the output line above the liquid level and using a coalescing filter (multi-wrap screen) to separate the coolant from the air stream...which should work for awhile. Dimethicone in the...
  6. btrueblood

    Nuclear vs wind+solar+storage American edition

    Well, again, I disagree - the whole point of this thread is to find (or at least estimate the requirements of) a renewable power grid scheme, which implies having some factor greater than 1 for renewable power production (more probably 3x to 4x) and then some means of storing the renewable...
  7. btrueblood

    Things are Starting to Heat Up - Part XIII

    Wups, sorry about this ice age, fellas.
  8. btrueblood

    Green Ammonia powered tugboat

    I'd have agreed with rb, there should be a direct combustion process that would work for ammonia/air cycle. Of course, you'd have NOx emissions to deal with (edit: but so does H2/air combustion), so "emission free" would need to be called "carbon free" or some such. And then, with a bit of...
  9. btrueblood

    Nuclear vs wind+solar+storage American edition

    The point is, you have free energy from solar/wind, that may or may not, in a given moment, have a user. Sure, shut down the wind turbine (feather the blades), or shroud the solar cells (or just turn off the switch to the charger?), but the point is there is an opportunity for the owner of the...
  10. btrueblood

    Nuclear vs wind+solar+storage American edition

    "The only places that can experience excess power from renewables are essentially islanded. " Hunh? Islanded, Tug? What part of the PNW grid is an island, when a large portion of our grid supplies California's power demand?
  11. btrueblood

    Green jet fuel - problematical

    "Me personally, I don't think global warming is all that bothersome" I'd agree, from my latitude, we just had a lovely crop of tomatoes, best year ever.
  12. btrueblood

    SpaceX Super Heavy rocket gets supersonic wind tunnel test for NASA's Artemis moon missions (photos)

    Everything is cool...until they drop a rocket on somebody's head.
  13. btrueblood

    Nuclear vs wind+solar+storage American edition

    Tug, yes there is wind and solar that goes unabsorbed by the grid. Due to changes to Federal law, mandating minimum flow thru the Columbia River dams for fish passage (flushing baby salmon downstream), they often have to demand that the wind farms along the Columbia and Willamette river valleys...
  14. btrueblood

    SpaceX Super Heavy rocket gets supersonic wind tunnel test for NASA's Artemis moon missions (photos)

    To call the midair explosions, or at-best barely controlled crash landings, "flights" is a bit of hubris in and of itself. They are missile tests at this point, not flights.
  15. btrueblood

    SpaceX Super Heavy rocket gets supersonic wind tunnel test for NASA's Artemis moon missions (photos)

    "sue the FAA for over-reach" Sigh. I get it, the whole "move fast and break things" methodology preached by the new tech barons. Problem arises when the things broken are (or could be) human beings. Those Texas gulf coast launches have to thread a narrow launch window to not overfly...
  16. btrueblood

    Nuclear vs wind+solar+storage American edition

    Wups. Josh, the storage is molten salt, not metal. The reactor is molten metal, not salt. The issue for molten salt on subs is how do you start/stop the system, i.e. how do you melt all the salt in the piping and valves to start the reactor. It was used for the second ever nuke sub - USS...
  17. btrueblood

    Creating a file of multiple components (Assembly) in Auto CAD 2024

    You could. You could also bring the parts into AutoCad and edit there. You could also make the assembly in SolidWorks, and export to an AutoCad readable format. You could make the assembly drawing in Inventor, and export to .dwg format. So many options...
  18. btrueblood

    Nuclear vs wind+solar+storage American edition

    It's about the sunk cost and maintenance, I think. Cheaper to build these on an existing coal plant site, and use the existing steam power plant and grid connections. Thermal salt storage is cheaper (at scale) than batteries of whatever ilk plus the conversion electronics to go from dc to ac...
  19. btrueblood

    Things are Starting to Heat Up - Part XIII

    That's a pretty good metric, Swinny.
  20. btrueblood

    Nuclear vs wind+solar+storage American edition

    Not liquid salt, the reactor working fluid is low pressure liquid sodium, as in the pure metal. The power (and waste heat too I think) can be routed to a molten salt tank, along with excess wind/solar power. When the wind is gone and the sun is down, and more power is called for than the nuke...