I can't belive the response this is getting! Thanks Actually the machine uses a loop detector in it with that diode capacitor setup mentioned above. I am going to post some pictures of the chamber and sensor so you can see it if you are interested.-David
Comcokid-Could you steer me in the direction of those sensors, meters and attenuator. What would I be able to do with just a simple detector. As you can tell I know little more than basic repair on microwaves, my understadning of them is very basic at this time but am learning more. I could post...
I was hoping to stay away from a spectrum analyzer, I saw one once and they said it was a $100,000 set up so unless I could get one from a salvager for $1000 I would be out of luck. I am wondering if the above mentioned amplitude sensor could be made to work as a sensor in the chamber. The...
Can someone steer me in the right direction? I need to build a simple fixture to test magnetrons like the ones used in microwaves. I need to mainly compare one magnetron to another to weed out the weaker ones. I was hoping to use a standard Microwave oven waveguide with some kind of field sensor...