Thanks for the great advice and book recommendations! I will take a look at these.
We're planning to try your lower dose/higher frequency approach unless we find something more effective. We also found a biocide on-line called Oxygenics 2002 that we bought a sample of to try. If we have any...
Yes, we believe it is natural flora feeding on the organics, and we are glad they are present in the subsurface. As you say, nature is helping us clean up the subsurface already. But we are trying to reduce clean-up time and help nature along, so we are pumping and treating to remove the bulk of...
Anyone out there who knows of effective additives or methods for reducing bio-fouling in piping from GW remediation systems?
Our contaminants are BTEX/naphthalene from coking by-product LNAPL. pH is neutral, and we have carbon steel pipe from our sump to treatment plant. We probably have SOME...