First, I know it is hard to believe that someone is still using Autocad 2000. I loaded up Autocad for the second time this week and on my second time about 20 of my icons turned to yellow smiley faces. I attached a screen shot. How do I get the real bitmap images back for my icons? Thanks.
telecomguy - I tried the relation idea. It worked with one snag. Wildfire would not show the value of the relation within the dimension. In other words the dimension properties, could not be modified with any other variable value besides the true one. My work around was to just blank out the...
Thanks to everyone on their responses. ttx-I thought about adding the surfaces and that should work, but I have quite a few tapped and c'bored holes that I would have to cutout of the paint components so they are not hidden.
jeff4136 - I tried your idea with the offset. I highlighted a surface...
I understand what telecomguy is saying but that won't work in my situation. My assembly is made up of 4 different parts that will affect the assembly thickness. All 4 of these parts are purchased items that are bought without the paint. We assemble in house and then paint the finished...
The purpose that I have for modeling paint is to show the correct dimensions in my final outline (customer) drawing. The entire assembly is painted and the paint can build up the width of the part by as much as .008" (.004" per side). When I show my dimensions in my final drawing I don't want...
I have an assembly made from 4 components in Wildfire 2.0. This assembly will be painted. The paint builds up to .004" on the show surfaces. How can I model this paint build up? I want to have the paint model parametrically linked to the assembly so that it will change if any single...
I am using Wildfire 2.0. I have a model where I did a shell feature. The model has one step on the back and the shell follows this step also. This model has a family table where the length of the step changes. I made my detail drawing and inserted a table where I inserted the values from the...
I believe that I follow you, but let me give some more info. I want to keep the original model and the associated drawings because these are still going to be used. For my new variation, I created a new folder on my drive and saved the original part model and its drawing to this new folder...
Is there a way to replace the model in a drawing? I had to make a new variation of an old design and hoped that I could save a copy of the original drawing under a new name and then replace the model. I have done this in Pro/E but cannot find out how to do this in Solidworks.
ctopher - I do not want to mirror the parts, just copy them.
So, the linear pattern works for components in an assembly? I have never tried it, but if I can pick all the components and then move them all to the right 6 inches, it will work for me.
Shaun - My company makes direct drive linear motors. We have very small motors that can reach speeds of 200 in/sec. I am not sure about the interface with the AB controller. We also sell our own line of motor controllers. I am a mechanical engineer so I can help much on the electrical side...
I have an assembly in Solidworks 2003. I need to copy a group of about 20 components to the side of this original group. I want an exact copy with all the components oriented the same. Is mirror/copy the best route to do this? I read in the archives that mirror/copy sometimes causes...
I am using SW2003. I have a thin rectangular part that I have created. I need to create an identical part with the only difference being that two c'sinks are on the opposite side. Can I simply open the part file, change the c'sinks, and then save it as a different name? Will this cause...
Yes, I would love to upgrade, but I had to beg and plead for this version. It was a hand-me-down from a site that was closed down a couple of years ago. If you think using Solidworks 2001 is bad. Our tool design department is still using Autocad 13, which came out circa 1993. Some touring...
Thanks ctopher. That gives me exactly what I need. You would think that Solidworks could have made it easier on us though, a lot of extra clicks just to get a meaurement.
Scott - I believe that I understand what you are saying, but I am trying to measure between holes within an assembly and the two holes belong to two different parts. I checked my tools options and display arc centers is turned on.
I am new and self-taught on Solidworks 2001. I am used to Mechanical Desktop. I am trying to use the measurement icon in Solidwork's assemblies to measure center to center distance on thru holes. When I pick two thru holes, solidworks always measures from edge to edge. How can I make it...