I don't have a PARASOLID translator in the external utility (from the Start/Prog Files/UG/Translators).
Is there another way to import a PARASOLID other than to the active part and from File/Import/parasolid ?
This issue was discussed once, but the problem was not solved...
I have a PARASOLID file of an assembly with hierarchy (sub assemblies etc). When imported to UG NX2, I get all parts, but without any tree structure (i.e. flat structure, all parts are children of the root node).
When the same...
I imported an IGES assembly file (from SW) into UG NX2.
Due to the fact that IGES does not keep the solids, I got all solids as surfaces.
Is there a way (automatic is preferred) to knit the surfaces into solids? Is there a settings for that used during the import process?
Each part I have in...
I searched this group, found couple of threads that relate to my problem, but could not find the solution...
As a newbie, how do I import a parasolid (asc or bin) to UG NX2? Couldn't find it in File->Open nor in the Translators.