We can still use a combobox from the Control Toolbox (vs. Forms) that can include multiple columns. I am not entirely satisfied yet with the aesthetics, but since this is new territory for me, I am optimistic that we can make it work for you.
I am willing to walk you through...
I did some searching on the web for the means to accomplish what you want. So far, I have found numerous requests for help for this very same problem, but no solutions. I am sure it can be done, but I am not sure yet how it can be done SIMPLY.
As an alternative, I don't...
FYI - Excel's sorting rules are included in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
XL2000: Sorting Alphanumeric Text as Numeric Values;en-us;214282&Product=xlw2K
Text and numbers are sorted differently, which is why I am curious about...
Are you trying to sort these filenames by date? If yes, are the dates in a column separate from the filenames? If yes, are they formated as dates or as text?
Not knowing what your experience level is, it would take too long for me to explain the entire process in its simpliest terms. However, we can try a few steps at a time, and see where it leads us. You should run with it as far as you can on your own, but advise if you run into...
I think I know for what you are looking, if, in fact, you are still looking!
You can use a combobox on your Quotesheet to present a list of parts on your Master:
Input Range: specify the Master column in which your components are listed.
Cell Link: specify a working cell, that...
Do you want to be able to enter the name of a component and have your program lookup its unit price? other information?
Or are you just looking for a dropdown menu type solution, so you can select from the menu without typing, or mis-typing, the discription of the component...
Can you give more detail for the VB-illiterates like me? Where does Worksheet_Activate() go? Is it part of the macro, or does it call the macro? Thanks.
rnordquest: You do not need to get involved in VB programming to do what (I believe) you wanted. Simply type in the formula:
then select all the worksheets with the G2 cell you want to sum
[your formual will show the range of worksheets. You can easily select a range of worksheets...