Go to the Borland site. They have their latest version for free. It is command driven and does not work with their IDE.
There is also a GNU C++ compiler available at http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/ or if you are learning C++, I recommend C++ For Dummies. It is a good starter book and comes with...
Is there a temperature difference between the wet and dry blocks? If there is, you might want to look at an IR sensing method. There are some non contact thermometers out there which are resonably priced.
If the object is shiny when it is wet, you could use a calibrated light source and a...
Hi all,
I need to get up to speed on my imbedded software skills. can anyone recommend a reasonably priced microcontroller based kit that one can program in c/c++. I am also looking for emulator and c/c++ software to go with it. Should have a monitor program and an RS232 interface. Not a...