Thanks for your response. With regard to the shape of the house, my wife is dead set on this house. So I have to find a way to overcome the problems that come with that shape.
Cracks/distortion at the corners: This has been a concern that I have thought about. Other than reinforcing...
Try AUGI. It usually has some good discussions on the different topics with sheet sets. There are many different theories on how to utilize this tool.
I have already talk to the geotechnical engineer, which has performed studies within the same development as my lot. His preliminary answer was that I would have the option to do either of the foundations. After reading some materials, it seems to me that the arguemnt of PT slab vs...
I am currently a CIVE E.I.T. with work experience in the retail commercial sector. I am about to start building my new residence. I am having a really hard time trying to decide the type of foundation to put under my residence.
My lot is in Montgomery County, Texas, which is north of Houston...