I'm not planning to remove any of the material. I'm planning to move the residue within the 220 acre site to improve drainage. I will most likely mix the residue with gypsum, but I plan to consider the utility of pumping the residue in some areas.
Thanks for the valuable post.
One of the things we are considering is the use of gypsum to stabilize (both pH and strength). The gypsum is available on site.
Does anyone know how the effectiveness of gypsum addition compares to lime in terms of stabilizing (not neutralizing)? Also, in my...
What type of equipment is available for grading and earth moving of low strength soils?
I'm working on a site that has bauxite residue, which is over 50 yrs old. When the residue is originally placed, it is pumped and has the consistency of pudding. Typically, the residue has a...
More info:
I should have mentioned that my pH is starting around 11 and my target is 9 or less. Also, the other options that I will consider are sulfuric acid addition and CO2 bubbling. I suspect that I'll end up going with sulfuric acid, but I was mainly looking to gain some insight about...
As I understand the process, magnesium and calcium in seawater react with hydroxide and carbonate alkalinity, which result in a decrease in pH. I think it is mainly used to treat municipal wastewater. I'm evaluating the use on leachate from holding ponds.
Thank you for your response. I suspected that there would be some buffering by the leachate. I don't have analysis of salts in the leachate, but I do know that the COD is around 30 mg/l and the TSS is about 10 mg/l. Do those results provide insight into the amount of salts or can I make some...