OHSA Interpretation: Use of plywood for shoring and support systems in trenches and excavations at:
https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/standardinterpretations/1992-04-15-3 references attached calculations, but the calculations are not attached. I've asked OSHA if the attachment is available but...
Thanks everyone for the additional comments.
The shield is needed due to unstable soil and a nearby pavement. Water table is about 30 inches down. Soil is stable above that. They plan to excavate 30 inches, place the shield, then excavate the remaining 10 inches from inside the shield...
Thanks Jed and jayrod. The project is at a very remote overseas location so shipping something in would take months. They only need something four feet high and have materials on hand to fabricate. Jed, thanks for confirming there are no special design requirements, I just wasn't sure.
I'm trying to find information on the impact force of concrete being discharged from a central mix plant in to a dump truck. No luck at all so far. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.
I'm looking for information on calculating wind pressures on a low-rise building with two levels of sloping roofs. Example, a 30-foot high main building with a 15-ft high
attached office area along one or both sides. ASCE 7 addresses this situation with flat roofs, but not sloping roofs. Any...