sBaugh, how do you mean to use it? I found it and when I open it has different options like add files, add directories and so on...what should I do here?
Thanks a lot..
I tried it but for some reason didn't work...not sure if I am missing something.
Also, when I make section view, and in section scope I check "Exclude fasteners" SW still cut through them.
Is there any other setting??
I am wondering if it is possible to mark a part (somewhere in the properties) as a fastener so when I make a section view & select exclude fasteners that section doesn't cut through that part.
Thanks for help
if you (wes616) know what has to be done with windows in order to utilize memory usage pls let me know.
I don't think that I have any virus problem because I frequently check that.
Thanks a lot
I added one more slot of 1 GB but as mentioned didn't see any difference, and I am not sure how to figure out if I am using all RAM, and not sure how to update chip. If you know pls. let me know.
Is there any way (and how) to adjust Solid Works to efficiently use RAM memory?
I recently added 1 GB of RAM but didn’t notice difference.
Also, could anyone recommend a good graphic card for Solid works?
I am having problem when I want to run Cosmosxpress.
Getting a mesage "the specified module could not be found",
could not load SolidWorks DLL:cosworks.dllu.dll, the add in selected is not a valid SolidWorks Add-In.
Also, I am not able to save SW part as sat file-getting similar message "the...
hi, trying to make custom tamplates-title block from existing CAD template but not sure how it works (trying to get solidworks to fill in titleblock like drawn by, title, date, scale and so on).
I am not sure where is SW taking this info and how it works....
pls. help
aamaroso, how hard is to make macro to do same for me and do I have to insert design table with every part I create for macro to work (to fill in info in titleblock).
Any chance for you to explanin it simpler - step by step so I could understand it better.
hi there,
big problem here...if you can help...
Does anyone knows how to convert Auto CAD made company's title blocks so that can be ussed in SolidWorks.
I was able to save Auto CAD title block as a drawing tamplate and thats all. When I start new drawing my custome made tamplates are visible...