I don't mind fishing out the chips if i use a spiral point tap if it keeps the chips from going into another hole and caosing a problem.
I use a lot of spiral flute taps at my day job. But there i deal in the macro world. At home i am tryng to work in the micro world. this is new to...
This is a new job, haven,y run many of them yet. Trying to the solve a problem before I run to many more.
1) Alloy: 6061 T651
2) Using a cut tap (bottom tap, ) after talking with the customer about thread depth I am going to try a spirol point bottom tap. And TapMagic
Hi, Iam a start up company and have a job that requires tapping 150 0-80 blind holes,.110 deep in alum. I have been using an .05 dia. end mill to drill the hole to get as much clearance as i can. I am tapping these holes about .015 from the bottom to meet the spec.
I cannot go any deeper with...