Is it possible to apply post treatment to protect it against the water to the (Flexible silica Aerogel Blanket - monolithic Aerogel tranparent silica) which is the cost of this?
It is possible to sprinkle aerogel powder on a glued surface, producing this way several layers carrying out a similar section to the Flexible Aerogel Blanket.
Of being this possible the thermal properties of the aerogel powder vary? They could resemble each other to the thermal properties...
Which fixation materials can be applied to the aerogel (Flexible silica Aerogel Blanket - monolithic Aerogel tranparent silica) to a surface?
Is it possible to glue it?
How can the unions be made among the different part (piece) of aerogel of Flexible silica Aerogel Blanket?
As the unions they can be made among the different part (piece) of monolithic aerogel Aerogel tranparent silica?
And among them?