I am targeting a poppet style valve (conical sealing surface) which mates to a soft seat (probably a polymer or other engineered plastic). I want to seal gas with a 3000 to 5000 psi inlet pressure. Ambient temps may vary between -40 and 80 deg C. Fluid temps should be maintained between 0 and...
I am designing a shut-off valve. Can anyone guide me to design criteria relating seat load to achieve a specific leak class (for a given delta P) as a function of geometry and material properties?
I am working with an application where natural gas is regulated from approximately 3500 psi down to 3000 psi in an automotive application. Our flow varies from 0 to 70 kg/hr. We have applications that use both CNG as well as LNG. We are experiencing some wear on both the metal poppet and the...