I have some problems with the Westergaard modulus( Airfield subgrade pavement) because I know nothing about this test.Could you help me.
Thanks, by
The optimum moisture content could be given by the proctor test. In france, we have two tests. The first is the normal test and the second is the modified test. The basic process is to compact five or six molds with the same energy but with differrents moistures content. You calculate the dry...
The optimum moisture content could be determinate by the PROCTOR test. the protocol is lightly different if it's a soil or a gravel. The test gives a graph of the dry volumic mass versus the moisture content.
I use a light cone penetrometer to know if an airplane could land. I have allready used a clegg in buildings sites and in my laboratory I have a CBR machine. On road buildings, in france, i use the "test à la plaque". Have you some correlations between this differrent tests?
thanks a lot