Thanks guys,
All your ideas are interesting. Higgler you're right in the application, it's not a measuring device but one that will just let me know when something has left a predetermined area. I'm an electrical engineer by occupation so my knowledge in RF is limited but I'm willing to do...
I need to develop an out of range detection device. When the reciver/transmitter moves out of range from a "base station" it would trigger an event. The range would need to be variable from 3 ft to 15 ft (+/- 20%) and any "line of sight" option will not work. I researched RFID however since...
Hi guys:
I'm developing a colorimeter using a LED as a light source. After building my first prototype and testing I've found that I'm getting slight changes in luminous intensity from the LED with changes in ambient temperature. Before I try to develop a temperature compensated LED driver I...
Hey Guys,
I need a circuit to do the following:
I have a signal which varies from 4.5 VDC to 5 VDC. I need it to transform it so it varies from 4.0 VDC to 5 VDC. Current is always below 10 mA. FYI: The signal is applied to a 12-bit A/D converter. I'm trying to increase the span of the...