I did the same as you did and i get no FLD Data tables via the described methods. Since i'm able to get the post processing field output value FLDCRT, i have set the correct modeling settings.
So i really don't know if it's a feature or a bug. Now i have to find a work around for the missing...
i would like to access material properties from a solved odb. This is possible via *import odbMaterial and session.odbs[name].materials[name] (according to Chapter 26 of the abaqus scripting reference manual).
This works perfectly for my elastic/plastic material properties, but if i...
check out the 'ABAQUS Scripting User's Manual' and 'the ABAQUS Scripting Reference Manual'. The Python Scripting Interface is quite well documented.
Here some code snipplet how to create and start a job:
import part
import material
import section
import job
import mesh