I have had good experience preventing leaks on hot cyclic service with hydraulic tensioning. It's not a gaurantee, because there are many factors leading to cause of leaks. Hydraulic bolt tensioning, if done properly, provides a uniform and accurate bolt load. With traditional bolting...
Exchanger flange leaks are common, particularly on channel to shell connections. The reason is that this flange sees the greatest temperature fluctuation and has two gaskets under a common bolt load. Simply put, flanges leak when there is insufficient stress on the gasket to maintain a seal...
hello newc, we have been performing bolting services in refinery and petrochemical plants for many years, some have been on Superbolt. I have come across this problem on occasion with superbolt. The superbolt is like a minature flange with 8,12 or 16 jackscrews that all have to be torqued. While...
hello studbolter, there are no industry standards that govern the use of hydraulic nuts. Hydraulic nuts are being used to replace standard A194 nuts. They come in a variety of materials including 4340, a similar and slightly superior grade of steel to A194. Have a look at