Thanks ScottyUK and UKpete for the good comments. Do not be surprised that I agree with you about the older eddy current drives being constructed "oversized" to handle the torque at reduced speed for constant torque loads because of the obvious reasons you addressed. Also, these older eddy...
Thanks ScottyUK for your question. I did not notice anyone else providing in these threads their name and company affiliation in the text, however I had assumed since I thought I had checked the Signature box, my name would have been included with the posting. It is the first time I have ever...
Pacific Northwest Labs, under the Federal Energy Management Program for the U.S. Dept of Energy, recently did a test comparison between the Coyote "PAYBACK" belt drive model, a VFD, and the MagnaDrive. This test was titled "Technology demonstration of Magnetically-Coupled Adjustable Speed Drive...