does anybody know if it is possible to insert an image in the background of a 2D plot like a vecftro field or a patch or a contour plot?
thanks a lot.
I have an ascii formatted file containing a big square matrix. I would like to convert it into a DXF (or DWG)file with a group of points whose z coordinate is the number in the matrix and the x, y coordinates equal and set by me in any possible way (these don't really matter, the important thing...
I defined my matrix as (i
|___ This is a subscript!
then i put it in a 3d bar plot and it shows me all the matrices like an animation but not fluid (i'ev fixed my axes limits). when i open the animate dialog box...
form mathcad help:
"The effective array size limit depends on the memory available on your system. Approximately 8 bytes of memory are needed per array element. For most systems, the array limit is at least 1 million elements. In no system is it higher than 8 million elements."
i think it will...
i made it.
thank you irstuff.... i used your method and works fine....
do you know to force mathcad to continue reading the matrix even after a blank line in the input file?
do you think mathcad will hang if i use a too big file?
thanks again
for irstuff:
the output can have up to 20000 matrices
(dimension 100 X 100).
do you think it would stil be possible to do what you are saying? how?
for bung:
actually i was looking for a complete automatica program (wich can possibly export a .AVI file)....too much?
thank you very much...
hi everybody.
i'm new on this forum, and almost new on mathcad.
i'd like to know if there's the possibility to read from a formatted ascii file (output of a fortran program) containing a high number of martices. i'd like to make an animated bar plot containing those values. i have noproblem in...