In my view, whatever be your intent, you may model your changes in a program and check how it behaves under the code hypotheses. You may ensure the composite action probably included in such model checking for the behavior and strength of the connectors.
Methyl-metacrylate adhesives reach 3 times the shear strength of concrete at the interface, yet I would rather go for a steel column in the same way that BAretired prefers, and on the same worries.
Well, reading the quote from the ACI code it is quite different. The quote points to an area equivalent (and kind of support).
What I am describing is closer to the classical concept of reinforcing for tensile stress in shells considered as membranes, you deal with the tensile stress, and one...
Provide rebar enough for the factored tensile principal stresses in flexure in every of two orthogonal directions. The rebar will show equal capacity in every direction, what uses to be practical for near point symmetrical tensile principal stress requirements like those typical with near...
I think the owner needs at least to specify the total conductance allowed for the mast support. Starting from that you maybe can query specialty support guys that may provide or adapt some rubber or plastic devices to the purpose. In my view the item under study is more an industrial device or...
Some additional info from p.i.e.t. 70 from the ietcc, which continues to be a landmark reference for any kind of unreinforced masonry calculations, attached.
Also, my extract from 4 references of typical values of the characteristic compressive strength to be compared with stresses from...
The whole of Spain buildings is made of this kind of arrangements. Usually, as hokie66 says, when some kind of truss is involved, the base is not prestressed, but there are as well inverted tee prestressed elements that serve to similar purpose. The trussed ones use to need be shored at thirds...
As per EA-95 (outdated Spain's code) it seems a size a bit in excess for the thickness; the code has specific limits as well for welds on webs but no US shapes. Note that the table gives weld throats, not...
The values above are for plain masonry, on whole area. For a reinforcement scheme 1500 psi on the actual section area sounds reasonably if the blockwork looks well preserved.
It depends on what are you talking about; characteristic strength values on the whole section (to be compared with factored stresses got after every structural effect that needs be considered, such buckling effects as well) may range between 1/7th and 1/5th of what you state for concrete block...
If the loads are small it may work. To ascertain if it is up to standard it will be necessary to look at the code. But there are zillions of steel beams just bearing on even void brick masonry, a risky but working detail of past ages.
I am not advocating using composite action for any case that one can, but this extract of one article may help to those that don't have connectors. See the shear connectors part.
Source is
NASCC Proceedings 1994
Composite Frame Construction
Lawrence P. Griffis, P.E.
Quoted Ref. 14 is...
You are entirely right, hitch22 I was misdirected in my thoughts by the apparently slotted connections, that then must be just be a buildability device. Too quick a look. For the problem dhengr refers to, a FEM model would be great; but one may try some interpretation with just strut and tie for...
I see there more than anything the intent of building a simply supported end of strut, guided by the slotted bolts, and supported by the corbel. Differences of magnitude might be explained by the original numbers being service level. Furthermore, the insert seems quit short at first sight (even...
On this question, I recently saw an article of Blodgett giving some advice on welds: don't design with the heart. It was a call to analyze. There are certainly many aspects that are difficult to include in common design, such the behaviour of some particular foundation embedded in the ground...