I want to do mapped meshing of two retangular plated conneceted by fillet. I am using soild95 element. I always get the error "invalid topology for mapped brick meshing". Can anyone solve my problem.
My design is similar to
with the exception that the chamber here is a circular one whereas i am using a square chamber with round corners and i am putting one window on each side. In this case the window is reatained by 6 bolts by a window...
OOps, i made a mistake. I should not use obround flange here but the best word could be a cover plate or a retainer for obround or oblong window. Arto! can i use appendix 13 ASME B&PV Code Sec. VIII Div.1 to design a cover plate or window retainer.
I am planning to design a 300mm long and 120 mm square (50 mm thick) chamber that will be pressurized to a pressure of 100 bars before injection of diesel fuel into the chamber. To visualize the flow of diesel jet coming out from the nozzle I am planning to put four large obround windows 90 mm X...