I think that will work on small object, but I've drawn objects that seventy to eigthy yard and small assy attached to the over assy look like black ink spots on the screen, it print perfect when you plot. So what I have done now is change everything drawn to [Thin]. So all the other assy like...
It's the opposite I want everthing to appear thin on my screen but when I print I only want a few lines just be a thicker. But I hae a feeling I'm sol. But thanks for your help though MElam.
Its looks like this on all twelve engineering department monitors. We've swithed from pro-e to solidworks about a four weeks ago, so I didn't know if we where the only company in the world that's have this problem or not?
It prints what I see on my screen which is cool, but the [Norm] line weight option just looks nasty when you zoom out on a "E-Size" sheet of paper. The title block looks like a sqaure donut. When I change my title block linetypes back to [Thin] then I can see my logo and actually see all the...
From what I hearing from all of you guys, it look though I can't do what I'm talking about. When i make a drawing I have two types of thickness [Thin] and [Norm] when I make the object [norm] it displays it pretty thick on my screen, so I was wondering if I could print color to a thickness, or...
Can anybody help me in getting a solid model of fan I've tried to get a fan model in solidworks from COMAIR/ROTRON, Papst, ETRI (I would perfer a fan with 4 x 4 x 1 dimensions), and they all look at me as if I was crazy. If anybody can guide on where I can get my hands on a SW model of fan...
THANKS GUYS ! I like it, I used the Tools -> Sketch Entities -> Sketches Text, it worked perfectly, and for all the connectors I used the convert entities button. Thank-you again for all your help.
Lyle [cheers]
I'm trying to keep everything parametric, within solidworks.
Ctopher, I like your'e idea about making a part and where I have a logo, or a picture, I'll just use cut on the part. I'll try that today and get back to and tell you how it goes.
Thanks guys.
Does anybody have the same problem I do, I'm trying to make silkscreens in solidworks 2005, and I couldn't make it work. So for now I export to AutoCAD and make silkscreens for now, most silkscreen consist of a company logo, some text, and other warning text and pictues on the chassis. If...
I have a drawing that is going to have eight to twelve pages when I get through the assembly drawing. I want have a section call-out on page one and have section view show on page three and four, and etc. When I press the section view button, I draw the line and etc. but it attaches it...
All I want to do is add sundries to my BOM like glue, paint, grease, locktite, and so on. I need to add ten extra rows in a bill of material, but I pick the BOM and do the add row function, i'm not allowed to edit the columns. So when I insert a BOM I use Insert-> Tables-> Bill Of...