I've to perform an axial compression of a cylinder but I need to avoid compenetration of its surfaces. What should I do?
Another question: this cylinder must have an initial internal bending stress distributed through the thickness of the tube. How can I apply it?
Thanks a lot
I have to perform a postbuckling analysis on a compressed cylinder. I've made a buckling analysis (linear) to find the eigenvalues, then I would like to use the *imperfection command to introduce imperfection modes in the cylinder. I set up a Static, Riks analysis with the command written as...
The *IMPERFETCION command requires a .fil file (result file) with the buckling mode obtained from a previous buckling analysis. I've done this analysis and I got my eigenvalues but I did not have any .fil file as output.
What I need to do?
What output I need?
Another question: I have to...
I've done a buckilg analysis, searching for 20 eigenvalues and this analysis worked well. Now I've my buckilng mode for my structure but I'm not able to use them in a riks analysis. I'm new to abaqus and i'm not so good in using it, so it's also hard to use the documentation....
Is it possible...
Hi there,
I'm pretty new in abaqus so I have a very basic question: how can I use the *IMPERFECTION command? I opened the Keywords file and I tried to write the command but I still have no results.
Can someone please write for me an "example file" with the *IMPERFECTION command or...
Hi again,
which kind of analysis should I set up to have a better behaviour of the structure in a compression case?
Is "linear, buckling" analysis the one that I should use? Or is better to use "static, Riks"?
By the way, which are the application fields of these two methods?
Thanks a...
Ok, here me back.
Let's try to explain my problem. I have a cylinder modelled as a shell. Thickness is 0.075, radius is 4.76 and lenght is 15. Young module is 4.84e-6 and poisson 0.19. One end is encastred and the tube must be subjected to compression. I need to see large deformations (as a...
Ok, on monday I'll be again in my lab and i'll provide you more details about the problem.
Remember that i'm learning abaqus for two weeks and that i don't have any detailed manual...
Thanks a lot
I need to use large deformations with Abaqus\standard so I activate the Nlgeom command in the step module but I receive a lot of error messages and my job is usually aborted. Where's my error?
Do you also know where I can find a tutorial about non linearities and large deformations...