The program I'm using is called SRWall, which is based on the Segmental Wall Design Manual. It has only two inputs for surcharge: a field for live load surcharge, and a field for dead load surcharge. There is no way to input the location of the loads. The program seems to apply these loads...
I am familiar with the AASHTO traffic surcharge (2 x gamma x h). I am assuming that I can use this for cases when I have heavy traffic loads directly behind the wall. The Design Manual for Segmental Retaining Walls by NCMA says that common live surcharge magnitudes for pavement loading are 100...
For the design of segmental block (tieback) retaining walls, specifically for the Rockwood Classic 8 wall system, are there typical design values for live load and dead load surcharge that are generally used for site projects? For example, I have seen several examples that seem to use 100 psf...