Greg- A couple hundred thousand rounds through a .22 rimfire barrel is no big deal. They last for years and years if you take care of them.
Actually, I like the vapor trail theory better, but what do I know.
Wil- that woud be a good test but it would be nearly impossible for me to set up in a...
First, remember that you have to simplify greatly, because I am NOT an engineer. That said...
Here's what's been observed:
At 1000-1050 ft. elev., with DA at about 700 I get good performance with muzzle velocity of 1078 fps. Groups open up as temp goes up. Above DA of 900-1000...
OK, I see the problem, I mis-spoke. Ignore my first post-- my second post asked the question correctly.
I didn't say accurately in the first post what I've observed. I meant to say that we've seen "faster" ammo shoot best at high AND low D.A., so long as the air is DRY.
But once humidity goes...
Yes, but... what we're trying to figure out is: why does group size open up when the air becomes thinner due to humidity, but NOT when due to being at higher altitude, or the barometer dropping?
I would think that thin air is thin air, regardless of cause-- temp rising, barometric...
Gentlemen (and ladies):
I come to you from the world of International rifle shooting. I have become involved in learning why a .22 bullet, traveling at less than 1100 fps, does what it does in differing air densities. Specifically, we are attempting to decipher why flight stability (and hence...