Thanks guys, for all of your pointers so far. However, let me reiterate that I do not intend to send any sort of voice or data or anything over these particular frequencies.
Also, my shop is a total metal enclosure... Namely, Tin. Not the stuff that they have been manufacturing for the last...
Everything that I could find on the FCC's website said that pretty much anything 1 watt or under would not be a problem. However, I may wish to use more wattage than that, because I won't be using the circuit to send any sort of signal, I just want to experiment with different frequency...
Hello to everyone! I'm new to, and I need some advice on how to construct a transmitter that will be adjustable preferably to any frequency that I would like to select, but I really only need a range from about 500 Kilohertz to about 40 Mhz. I would preferably like a PLL, so that...