dwedel, usually the gangs won't bother with barns and, fortunately, gangs and equestrian folks don't mix real well :)
Accuracy of anchors is critical as its a prefab steel barn. The barn outfit does the install, drills for the anchors, etc. I watched them put up similar barn down the street...
UcfSE "The hole may be drilled too big or get "wallered out" by an overzealous worker. This is just a bit of field experience talking." Precisely my concern. The barn company is a reputable outfit, and have put up several barns in the area...but I'm concerned about a sloppy (weakened) anchor...
Ron, thx for the response. Plans specify min 4in embedment for KB-II Carbon Steel Hiltis. There are 10 concrete piers approx 12' apart. Anchor bolts for the connector columns are placed at center of each 24" diam x 42" depth pier. Corner columns (4) have an additional anchor bolt for a hold...
Plan for steel barn on 24'x36' slab/piers calls for 5/8in hilti bolts (4in deep) at 10 anchor points. I called the engineer and asked why they specify hilti's vice embedded anchor bolts. He said mostly because of precision needed for placement. My sense is embedded anchors would be stronger...